Friday, November 8, 2019

Controversy of Cloning and DNA essays

Controversy of Cloning and DNA essays I am writing in reference to the possible upcoming technology of cloning humans and altering DNA tissue makeup of the unborn child. This issue will come before Congress for approval or disapproval in the near future. This technology would allow scientists to alter the tissue of a future infant in regards to physical characteristics such as height, appearance, intelligence, and birth defects. It is disturbing to think that such alteration of DNA could be allowed to pass through Congress as a bill. Cloning and DNA tissue alteration, though there may seem to be positive and worldly aspects, is, in my opinion morally wrong and corrupt according to Gods word, the Bible. As a Christian young man, I believe in the Bible as truth. The Bible states in Genesis 1:27, So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Gods creation can be found in Genesis 5:24. When God created humankind, he made them in the likeness of God. Male and female created he them. Psalms 139:13 states, For it was you who formed my inmost parts; you knit me in my mothers womb. In the eyes of a Christian believing that Gods word is the truth, it would be difficult to understand how DNA altering and cloning could be done. This would be attempting to place scientists in comparison with God who is the supreme creator. To try to alter his handiwork of the human being would be morally wrong. God created man in his image and man was perfect until he sinned in this world. Setting aside Biblical beliefs, lets look at potential problems in the environment if cloning and DNA alteration were to become a reality. Man has been attempting for ages to remake the earth. Cross breeding trial and error has been experimental with for years. New technologies have allowed scientists to manipulate the world at the genetic, as ...

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